Map - Barra de Guabiraba (Barra de Guabiraba)

Barra de Guabiraba (Barra de Guabiraba)
Barra de Guabiraba (Guabiraba Bar) is a city located in the state of Pernambuco, Brazil. It is located 132.6 km away from Recife, capital of the state of Pernambuco. The city has an estimated (Ibge 2020) population of 14,510 inhabitants.

* State - Pernambuco

* Region - Agreste Pernambucano

* Boundaries - Gravatá and Sairé (N); Bonito (S and W); Cortês (E)

* Area - 114.22 km2

* Elevation - 482 m

* Hydrography - Sirinhaém and Una rivers

* Vegetation - Subperenifólia forest

* Clima - hot and humid

* Annual average temperature - 23.0 c 
Map - Barra de Guabiraba (Barra de Guabiraba)
Country - Brazil
Currency / Language  
ISO Currency Symbol Significant figures
BRL Brazilian real R$ 2
Neighbourhood - Country  
  •  Argentina 
  •  Bolivia 
  •  Colombia 
  •  French Guiana 
  •  Guyana 
  •  Paraguay 
  •  Peru 
  •  Suriname 
  •  Uruguay 
  •  Venezuela 
Administrative Subdivision
City, Village,...